
June 2009 UPDATE

Hi friends!!!

It's been a while since I've written update...LOTS of changes happening 'round here, and yet God is NEVER-changing and always faithful! There are so many things to praise HIM for, but I will try to be BRIEF (and yet most of you know I am terrible at that :)

1. I am a DAD! How crazy is that!!! Her name is Paisley and she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. We are so blessed...she is healthy and Lauren is healthy. You can check out my facebook if you want to see pictures. Please pray that she will come to know JESUS and that we would be Godly parents to her!!!

2. My wife and I (and little Paisley) now live in North Carolina where I will be starting school this fall at Southeastern Seminary. I am REALLY stoked and ready for the mental and spiritual challenge. My desire is that my music, more than ever before, would be filled with God's Word and that He would prepare us for whatever He has in store for the future. We will still be ministering on the weekends, during the summer, and wherever the LORD opens doors. So please pray for that.

3. For those of you who have followed our ministry for a while, you will remember Phil Smith and Jon Huff who used to travel with us and play drums and bass. Well, I am excited to say that they are back! They will be attending school with me at Southeastern and also traveling. Totally a God-thing how it all worked out.

4. I have just recently begun a relationship with Centricity Music, a Christ-centered label who I am proud to work with. They will be releasing the NEW "Your Kingdom Come" into stores on August 18th. The new version of the album will have 3 BRAND SPANKIN NEW songs on it that I promise you will love! You can check out the first single on our mypace.....it's called "Open Hands". The LORD has already been using the song powerfully this summer at camps. So if you can please call your local radio station and request the song! Also pray that God would take this album....this 5 loaves and 2 fish....and touch it and bless it to feed people for the sake of His Kingdom and His mission on the earth!

5. In about 2 weeks, we will release a BRAND NEW CD called "Scripture Songs and Hymns". I am really excited about it.....it's SIMPLE, yet profound - b/c the songs are HEAVY on Scripture. The hymns on it are original, and I think you will find the whole CD to be refreshing as you let the scriptures soak into your heart and mind. Great for students and adults alike....check it out!!!!!

6. Many of you know about our partnership with Compassion, well we have begun a similar relationship with a company called ONE VERSE. They are gnarly. The purpose of their organization is to get the Scripture into EVERY language in THIS GENERATION! There are over 2,000 languages that don't have the BIBLE in there heart language!!! That is a PROBLEM. Check out their site at oneverse.org and be a part of getting God's word to the world.

7. ok, I think I'm done. Stay in touch with us please....and keep us in your prayers. God is doing cool stuff here....and all over this world! Let's partner with HIM in His mission......give our lives away for the sake of the gospel....stop living for status or wealth, but for the glory of Christ and the redemption of this broken world. He's called you to speak. He's called you to go....to love. Will you today?

huge blessings...

Matt Papa

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